Installing HazImp

Getting the code

Download the HazImp source from GitHub.

You can either download a zip file containing the HazImp code, or clone the repository (if you have git installed) as follows:

Using ssh:

git clone

Using HTTPS:

git clone

The source code includes a number of files that may help with installing the package dependencies.


HazImp uses Python and additional libraries.

There are several alternatives for suitable python environments.


We recommend using conda to manage dependencies and run HazImp. Using conda helps to avoid version conflicts between different python packages and other dependencies. Download (wget) and install miniconda, then use the conda environment file hazimp.yml included with the software to install the set of compatible packages. conda is available for Linux, MacOS and Windows environments.

Once you have installed miniconda, create a new environment with a command such as:

conda env create -f hazimp.yml

Before each session, remember to activate the corresponding environment, e.g. conda activate hazimp.


Because of the complex set of dependencies, the build time can be quite long. To get around this, you can use the mamba package manager to build the environment:

conda install mamba -n base -c conda-forge
mamba env create -f hazimp.yml

User install using system python

On some systems the existing system python installation may be made suitable.:

for x in pep8 coverage pyyaml pylint pandas prov pydot; do pip install --user $x ; done

On MS-Windows:

for %x in (pep8, coverage, pyyaml, pylint, pandas, prov, pydot) do pip install
--user %x

NOTE:: This is not the exhaustive list of required packages. See the full list in hazimp.yml.

System python install

On Ubuntu systems, the following requires system administrator privileges.

sudo apt-get install python-numpy, python-scipy
sudo apt-get install python-gdal, python-yaml, python-coverage, pep8, pylint, pandas, nose, prov, pydot

Install HazImp

To install HazImp into your python environment, at a command prompt, enter the following command:

python install

Or, if you are interested in modifying HazImp, the following alternative install command will instead provide your python environment with links to the location where you have downloaded the HazImp source:

python develop

Please read the `Contributing code`_ notes if you wish to modify HazImp.

To use HazImp, run hazimp –help from the command line. You can also verify the code using ./run_tests.

Testing the installation

Users can test the installation with the run_tests script. This depends on the nose and coverage libraries for Python. The run_tests script is a shell script, so needs to be executed in a shell (e.g. bash, sh or csh).

On a Windows command line:

nosetests tests/ --with-doctest --cover-package=hazimp --with-xunit --xunit-file=nosetests.xml --nocapture